As we told you in our article dedicated to 18650 batteries , the choice of your 21700 battery is very important. Whether you are on a mechanical mod or an electro mod, your vaping experience will be largely defined by the quality and performance of your batteries. In order to help you choose the right 21700 battery, we are giving you a brief overview of the subject!

What is a 21700 battery?

The 21700 battery is a battery with significant capacity and power! For your regulated electro mod or your mechanical mod, you must take the greatest care of these batteries. This is even more true for the meca vape since your caution will allow you to avoid any potential risk of incident. The term « 21700 » comes from the size of this battery: it is 21mm in diameter and 70mm long.

Original or rewrapped battery for my vape?

At Mecavap, we recommend the use of original brand batteries whose technical characteristics are more accurate and easier to understand. Whether you are on mod, mechanical box or on a modern electronic cigarette, rewrapped batteries present more security risks. This is obviously even more true for mecha mods!

The discharge current of a 21700 battery

A 21700 battery has two main characteristics: its autonomy, which corresponds to the capacity of the battery; and its power, also called CDM.

Autonomy and power are unfortunately not really compatible, a choice is often necessary. Indeed, the more power you seek, the less your battery will be able to hold over time. On the other hand, if you minimize the power, you increase the life of your 21700 battery.

Power is a sensitive point of a battery, especially if you have the pleasure of vaping on a mechanical mod where electronic safety is absent. This discharge current, indicated by the “A” (Ampere) on the batteries will give you an indication of the resistance that you can mount.

Choosing a battery for a mechanical mod

As you may know, a meca mod has no apparent setting, it’s up to you to prepare your set-up carefully to avoid any risk. No electronic component will come to allow you to adjust or alert you in the event of a problem. It is often advisable to make these settings on an electronic box before using a mechanical mod.

It will therefore be necessary for that not only to choose a good battery but also to ensure that your resistance is adapted to this battery. In order to help you better master the subject, we had prepared a few months ago an article on resistance and ohm’s law .

Can we exceed the limits of a 21700 battery?

You can completely exceed the limits of a battery but you must know that you are necessarily exposing yourself to risks! So what exactly does this imply?

Two risks should be noted:

The less important of the two is that your battery life will be reduced .

The main thing to remember is that in terms of your safety, you increase the risk of an accident.

We go into a little more detail on this important point in our article dedicated to 18650 batteries.

Read the article

Où acheter ses accus 21700 ?  

 Vous pouvez trouver des accus 21700 dans divers endroits, sur Internet mais également dans différents points de vente physiques.  

Nous vous conseillons de les acheter à des revendeurs de confiance, notamment dans des shops dédiés à la cigarette électronique. En effet, sur Internet (mais pas que), vous pourriez tomber sur des clones, des copies, dont les caractéristiques ne sont pas aussi justes et honnêtes. Des caractéristiques trompeuses pourraient vous mettre en danger, notamment sur une vape sur mod ou box méca. Évitez les risques de surchauffe, de court-circuit ou pire en allant voir directement un revendeur de confiance.  

Quels sont les meilleurs accus 21700 ?  

Les meilleurs accus 21700 sont des batteries IMR/INR qui sont composés chimiquement de Lithium-Nickel, Manganèse, Cobalt. Ces accus sont fiables et assurent généralement à la fois bonnes performances, stabilité et sécurité. 

Pour une bonne vape, plusieurs sont très souvent recommandées comme : 

  • Samsung 30T blanc : 35A 3000 mAh 
  • Molicel P42A blanc : 45A 4000 mAh  
  • Samsung 40T mauve : 35A 3900 mAh  


Les accus 21700 de chez Samsung sont souvent recommandés car les constructeurs sont honnêtes avec l’autonomie annoncée. Attention cependant, cela varie parfois au niveau des ampères. Si vous êtes sur un méca, vérifiez bien cette donnée.  

Pour aller encore plus loin, que ce soit pour les batteries 21700 mais aussi pour tous les autres accus, 18650, 20700 etc. vous pouvez vous rendre sur le blog de Mooch pour découvrir les batteries qu’il recommande (Article en anglais).

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